Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life Changing Events

People only change after something bad has happened:
For some reason i think thats true in in other was its not. I think its true because you see people gorwing in in low class places and they dont want that for their children when they grow up so they do all they can in school and when they grow up they have things for their kids that they never had. But on the other hand.......umm......well never mind because at this point i think that the saying is trrue because i really dont see too many good things changing. Everything that has been bad for or country has changed but the everything that is good havent changed.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Should the United States Get Involved in Other Countries Affairs?

I really dont think that The United States should get into anything that any of the Countries are into just because its not our buisness to be in it. I mean if someone comes to you and says that someone else is messing with them then what is there for youu to do? You cant make them stop and if you do try then they well probably start messing with you and then it will go on from there. Thats why I think that The United States Shouldnt get involved with any other country.....i mean they dont even hardly do anything for our own country. Why mess with someone elses country?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

When to Get Involved?

Yeah i jump into peoples business but its just with my firends. I really dont jump into anyone elses business unless they tell me thereself. There is only a couple of times i would ever get into someones businees without them wanting me to and that is if the are gettin beat, and other abuses or if they are doing something that they dont need to do and they need someone to talk to them about. I think everyone should mind their own buisness all the time because thats how people have conflicts in this world right. And I think that if the world was like that then we wouldnt have world wars or maybe not even battles.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Acrostic Definition Post

Ellis Island

American Federation of Labor

Thursday, March 27, 2008

When Breaking the Law is Justified Post

I really didnt think that Britian was upholding their part of the deal because they were doing things that american didnt even know about. Britian was taxes things and not letting America know about it. The King refused his Assent to Laws, he forbidded his Governors to pass Laws even if they were very inprotant, and he kept dissolving Representative Houses. The king also refused to call others to be elected for the legslative powers.
The colonists didnt have their natural rights. Like when he told the people that they had to let the soldjers stay with them and they had to feed them and shelter them but the peoples rights said that they pay for is private and if they say that people cant be on their land then they couldnt. But the King told them that they had to take of them while they were there. Thats why I think think that didnt really care about there natural rights.
The colonists got tired of what Britain was doing to them so they decided to take matters into their own hands. Some of the colonists decided that they were going to stop taking goods from britian and make and sell their own goods to show them that they could do good on their own. Other men in Boston did the Boston Tea Party, in that party they went aboard a boat and poured all of the tea that was on the boat into the sea and they did it without any camotion and without weapons or anything.
I think that America started to the law in 1773 when the Boston Tea Party happened. The reason i think that is because thats when most of the things occured. Like when the colonies started making thier own goods instead of taking them from Britian.America had to mke the bill of rights to make sure that the U.S. government was upholding their natural rights because without that the U.S. would not be the way it is right now.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Richest People in Our Country

Well in some why I envy rich people but then again I cant get mad at something or someone that I cant handle. The reason why I do envy them is because they do unnessecery things with their money when they can be helping people, but then again some of the rich people do help people in need so thats one reason why I try not to envy them. Some people make thier money by others but most make it on thier own now these days. To tell the truth if you made that money all by yourself I dont see why you have to share it with everyone else that didnt help you get to where you are right now.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Preview Reflection Blog Post: Fights

I got into a fight when I was in 8th grade with a boy. I dont know how it started but im pretty sure it had something to do with him messing with me all the time and I just got tired of it. I tried to to tell him to stop messing with me but he wouldnt listen so I threw a book at his head! After that happened he came up to me and pushed me so I just started throwing punches! We fell over the tables and hit the windows I think we even broke a chair. But at the end of the fight both of us got into trouble. I never really liked the boy so at the end it did really do anything to harm or improve our relationship with one another. I learned that fighting doesnt solve anything but it sure did feel good to let my anger out.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Growing Up

Growing up can be exciting because you get to try new things as you grow, and you get to have priviliges that you didnt have when you were younger. You get to see the world in a new light without anyone telling you what to do. The painful thing about growing up is that you have a lot of responsibilities to deal with, you are alone for the most part, and you have to make desisions for yourself. You have to pay for everything so that means you need a job so you wont go hungry, and you also have to worry about the government, and everything that goes with the government.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Boston tea Party

What I learned about this artilce was that The Tea party wasnt really a party it was just people reballing against the British in a way that was nonviolent and that really didnt take alot of time. What surprise me was that they didnt do anything that was violent to hurt inocent people like they use to do back then.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Unit 2: Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: When is Breaking the Law Justified?

1. List five purposes of the government.
  • To tell the truth I really don't know what A government does. All i know is what i heard and people say that they help people and the community.

2. Would you be willing to join a revolution if our government was not fulfilling the purposes of government you listed above? Why? Why not?

  • I guess if they didnt do what they were suppose to do then I would be willing to join the revolution because thats what they are suppose to do. And whats point of helping someone that doesnt want to help you?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

About the duties of husband and Wives

- What did you learn about life in the colonies from reading this document?
  • I learned that in the colonies that the man ran the household but he shouldnt do it to be mean or bossy but to take care of the family. And that the woman should take care of the household and should be under the mans government.

- What surprised you the most about what you read?

  • What surprised me the most is that they really work together other than the husband thelling the wife what to do because on movies, in the old days I always see the husband pushing the wife around.

- Compare and contrast the differences between American life today and life for Americans during the colonial era.

  • The difference between American life today and Americans during the colonial era is that the women have the same rights and oppertunities as the man does now and she doesnt have to stay in the house all day and clean up unless she really wants to. But its still the same because they have to help one another through sickness and in health and that they have to love one another with all of there heart.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

What motivates immigrants to come to the United States today is that we have more freedom then most countries, and that we have a lot more job opportunities. But the United States isn't all that good either because the prices of everything are getting higher and higher. If it was me I wouldn't leave my country because I have too much to loose like my family, my home, and to top it all off I have to go to another place that I don't even know about. Plus it could be really hard to adapt in another area because you are so us to eating the types of food that you catch. And when you go to another place you probably wont have the same types of food that you had back where you us to stay.