Thursday, April 10, 2008

Should the United States Get Involved in Other Countries Affairs?

I really dont think that The United States should get into anything that any of the Countries are into just because its not our buisness to be in it. I mean if someone comes to you and says that someone else is messing with them then what is there for youu to do? You cant make them stop and if you do try then they well probably start messing with you and then it will go on from there. Thats why I think that The United States Shouldnt get involved with any other country.....i mean they dont even hardly do anything for our own country. Why mess with someone elses country?

1 comment:

carrie said...

You have a thesis statement, but you need specific examples from U.S. History to defend your argument. Quite a few errors in the post as well.
As is 10/20 points.