Monday, February 25, 2008

Preview Reflection Blog Post: Fights

I got into a fight when I was in 8th grade with a boy. I dont know how it started but im pretty sure it had something to do with him messing with me all the time and I just got tired of it. I tried to to tell him to stop messing with me but he wouldnt listen so I threw a book at his head! After that happened he came up to me and pushed me so I just started throwing punches! We fell over the tables and hit the windows I think we even broke a chair. But at the end of the fight both of us got into trouble. I never really liked the boy so at the end it did really do anything to harm or improve our relationship with one another. I learned that fighting doesnt solve anything but it sure did feel good to let my anger out.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Have you figured out other ways to re-channel your anger since then? You don't seem like the fighting type.

Some small errors that you would surely catch if you edited before publishing. As is you earned 18/20 points.